You are learning IF function in MS Excel
What is the difference between IF and IFS functions in Excel? (New in Excel 2016+)
Here's the breakdown of the difference between IF and IFS functions in Excel:
IF function:
* Purpose: Evaluates a single condition and returns a corresponding value if true, otherwise returns a different value (or leaves the cell blank).
* Structure: `=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false])`
* Limitations: Can only handle one condition at a time. For complex scenarios with multiple conditions, nested IF statements are required, which can become cumbersome and difficult to manage.
IFS function (introduced in Excel 2016+)
* Purpose: Evaluates multiple conditions sequentially and returns the first value corresponding to the first TRUE condition. If none are true, an optional "catch-all" value can be provided.
* Structure: `=IFS(condition1, value_if_true1, condition2, value_if_true2, ..., [else_value])`
* Advantages:
* More readable and easier to understand compared to nested IF statements, especially for complex logic with many conditions.
* Can handle up to 127 conditions in a single formula.
In simpler terms:
* Think of IF as a simple yes/no question. If the condition is true, you get one answer, otherwise you get another (or nothing).
* Think of IFS as a series of yes/no questions. You ask the first question, and if it's yes, you get that answer and stop. If not, you move on to the next question, and so on.
Here's an example to illustrate the difference:
Scenario: Assigning a letter grade based on a student's score:
* A: 90-100
* B: 80-89
* C: 70-79
* D: 60-69
* F: Below 60
Using IF function (nested):
=IF(A1>=90, "A", IF(A1>=80, "B", IF(A1>=70, "C", IF(A1>=60, "D", "F"))))
Using IFS function:
=IFS(A1>=90, "A", A1>=80, "B", A1>=70, "C", A1>=60, "D", TRUE, "F")
As you can see, the IFS function is more concise and easier to follow for this scenario with multiple conditions.