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You are learning Sorting and Filtering in MS Excel

How to sort and filter data on a PivotTable in Excel?

You can sort and filter data within a PivotTable to analyze your data from different perspectives. Here's a breakdown:

Sorting in PivotTables:

1. Click on a field header: In the PivotTable, click on the header of the field you want to sort by.
2. Sort options: You'll see small sort arrows appear next to the field header. Click the up arrow for ascending order (A to Z or smallest to largest) or the down arrow for descending order (Z to A or largest to smallest).

Filtering in PivotTables:

1. Click the down arrow: Click the down arrow next to any field header in the PivotTable.
2. Filter options: A list of checkboxes will appear, representing all the unique values within that field.
3. Select/deselect filters: Check the boxes for the values you want to include in your PivotTable and uncheck the ones you want to exclude.
4. Multiple filters: You can repeat this process for multiple field headers to apply additional filters.

Additional Tips:

* Right-click filtering: You can also right-click on a field header and choose "Filter" from the context menu to access more advanced filtering options like filtering by value, text contains, or custom criteria.
* Sorting by another field: If you want to sort by a second field after sorting by the first, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the header of the second field to sort by both simultaneously.
* PivotTable Slicers: For interactive filtering, you can insert PivotTable Slicers. These are slicers you can click on to visually filter your data based on specific field values.

By combining sorting and filtering in PivotTables, you can gain deeper insights from your data and focus on specific trends or comparisons.

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