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You are learning PivotTables in MS Excel

How to hide and unhide fields in a PivotTable?

Here's how to hide and unhide fields in a PivotTable:

Hiding Fields:

1. Click on the field you want to hide: Navigate to your PivotTable and locate the field you want to hide within the Rows, Columns, or Values sections.
2. Right-click the field header: Once you've identified the field, right-click on the field header (the name of the field).
3. Select "Hide Field": In the context menu that appears, choose the option "Hide Field."

Unhiding Fields:

1. Go to the PivotTable Fields pane: Click anywhere within your PivotTable to activate it. Then, on the "Analyze" tab (Excel 2010 and later) or the "Options" tab (Excel 2007), locate the "PivotTable Fields" pane. It should be on the right side of your Excel window.
2. Find the hidden field: Within the PivotTable Fields pane, you'll see a list of all available fields for your PivotTable. Look for the field you previously hid. It might be greyed out or located under a collapsed section.
3. Right-click and select "Show Field": Right-click on the hidden field name. In the context menu, choose the option "Show Field."

Additional Tips:

* You can hide multiple fields at once by holding down the "Ctrl" key (Windows) or "Command" key (Mac) while clicking on the field headers you want to hide.
* Hidden fields are not permanently removed from your PivotTable. They are simply not displayed in the current view.
* You can drag and drop hidden fields back into the Rows, Columns, or Values sections of your PivotTable to re-introduce them.

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