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How do I use the VLOOKUP function for data lookup?

VLOOKUP is a versatile function in Excel used to search for a specific value (lookup value) in a table (table_array) and return a corresponding value from a different column within the same row.Here's a breakdown of how to use VLOOKUP:


=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])


1. lookup_value (required): This is the value you want to search for in the first column of the table_array. It can be a cell reference containing the value to search or the actual value itself enclosed in quotation marks (e.g., "Apple").
2. table_array (required): This is the range of cells that contains the data you want to search in. It should include the column containing the lookup values (usually the first column) and the column containing the data you want to retrieve.
3. col_index_num (required): This is the column number within the table_array from which you want to retrieve the corresponding value. Count the columns starting from 1 (the first column being 1). For example, if the data you want is in the third column, enter 3.
4. [range_lookup (optional)]: This is a logical value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating the type of lookup you want to perform.
- TRUE (default): Enables approximate matching. VLOOKUP will find the closest value that is greater than or equal to the lookup_value. Use this option if your data isn't sorted in strict ascending order.
- FALSE: Performs an exact match. VLOOKUP will only return a value if it finds an exact match to the lookup_value. It's recommended to use this option if your data is sorted in ascending order by the lookup column.


Imagine you have a table with product names (column A), product codes (column B), and prices (column C). You want to find the price of a specific product (e.g., "Apple") based on its name. Here's the formula:

=VLOOKUP("Apple", A1:C10, 3, FALSE) // Assuming prices are in column C (3rd column) and data is sorted by product name (column A)


- `"Apple"`: This is the lookup value we're searching for (product name).
- `A1:C10`: This is the table array containing the product names, codes, and prices.
- `3`: This is the column index number (3rd column containing prices).
- `FALSE`: This specifies an exact match since the data is assumed to be sorted by product name.


- Ensure your data table is structured with the lookup values in the leftmost column for efficient searching.
- Double-check your table array and column index number to avoid errors.
- If your data isn't sorted, use TRUE for approximate matching, but be cautious of potential mismatches.
- Consider using error handling functions like `ISNA` to display a message if VLOOKUP doesn't find a match.

By mastering VLOOKUP, you can streamline data retrieval tasks and enhance the efficiency of your spreadsheets.

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