You are learning IF function in MS Excel
How do I check if a cell falls within a specific range using the IF function?
Here's how to check if a cell falls within a specific range using the IF function in Excel:
=IF(AND(A1>=LowerBound, A1<=UpperBound),"In Range","Out of Range")
- A1: Replace this with the cell reference you want to check (the cell containing the value to be evaluated).
- LowerBound: Replace this with the lower limit of your desired range (the smallest acceptable value).
- UpperBound: Replace this with the upper limit of your desired range (the largest acceptable value).
How it Works:
1. The `AND` function checks two conditions simultaneously:
- A1>=LowerBound: This part ensures the value in cell A1 is greater than or equal to the lower bound.
- A1<=UpperBound: This part ensures the value in cell A1 is less than or equal to the upper bound.
2. If both conditions in the `AND` function are true, the IF function returns the text "In Range."
3. If either condition is false, the IF function returns the text "Out of Range."
Let's say you want to check if the value in cell B2 falls between 50 and 100 (inclusive). You would enter the following formula in another cell (e.g., C2):
=IF(AND(B2>=50, B2<=100),"In Range","Out of Range")
- If the value in B2 is between 50 and 100, cell C2 will display "In Range."
- If the value in B2 is less than 50 or greater than 100, cell C2 will display "Out of Range."
- You can modify the text returned by the IF function to display any message you like based on the outcome (e.g., "Valid," "Invalid").
- You can adjust the cell references and range limits to suit your specific needs.